jeudi 15 octobre 2015

What to do after a food binge



Eaten too much? Overindulged at the weekend? These tips should help you resume and maintain your healthy habits following a food blowout.

The occasional overindulgence isn’t going to harm your health, but it’s important to get back on track after a big night out.

“It’s normal to overindulge and go out and enjoy yourself on occasion, but it’s how you redeem yourself after the fact as to whether you see weight gain or weight loss,” says accredited practising dietitian and Dietitians Association of Australia spokesperson Lauren McGuckin.

Try these three pieces of advice for getting back on track: 

1. Let your tummy groan
Then have a light, healthy, protein-rich breakfast like an egg on wholegrain toast or a small bowl of muesli with yoghurt and berries.

2. Hydrate
Dehydration often masquerades as hunger, especially after consuming high-fat and high-salt foods, so keep a water bottle on hand throughout the day.

3. Go home-made
Research shows that the more we eat at home, the slimmer we are. Even if you’re choosing healthier options like vegetable pizzas sans cheese or stir-fries, takeaway foods are usually higher in fat and calories than home-prepared meals. Plus, portion sizes are larger to compensate for the extra hit to your wallet.

NEXT: Food blowouts busted



Diet & Nutrition




after, binge, Food