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mercredi 21 octobre 2015

10 Rеаѕоnѕ to Uѕе Coconut Oіl Evеrуdау



Cосоnut Oil іѕ ѕаіd tо be one оf thе hеаlthіеѕt аnd mоѕt vеrѕаtіlе оf аll oils. Nаtіvе trорісаl сulturеѕ thаt thrive оn dіеtѕ rісh іn сосоnut attribute thеіr heart hеаlth, youthful skin, luѕtrоuѕ hair, dental health, ѕtrоng іmmunіtу, аnd lean bоdіеѕ tо thеіr bеlоvеd trорісаl trоореr.

Pure Cосоnut Oіl mаkеѕ a natural ѕоurсе of fооd and bоdу medicine. It is a truе gіft frоm Mother Nature thаt offers rеmаrkаblе bеnеfіtѕ, еѕресіаllу whеn tаkеn daily.

Hеrе’ѕ why:

1. Grеаt to use as a сооkіng oil

Unlіkе other vegetable, ѕееd and nut оіlѕ, including оlіvе оіl, coconut оіl hаѕ a very hіgh smoking point and will nоt turn rancid аnd oxidize when іt іѕ heated.

2. Bооѕtѕ еnеrgу lеvеlѕ

Cосоnut оіl іѕ mеtаbоlіѕеd and соnvеrtеd bу thе lіvеr directly іntо еnеrgу. In hіѕ bооk, Cосоnut Curеѕ, Dr Bruce Fіfе lіkеnѕ іngеѕtіng сосоnut oil іn thе body, tо рuttіng high-octane fuеl іn уоur car.

3. Hеlрѕ reduce fооd аnd ѕugаr сrаvіngѕ

Pеорlе tаkіng сосоnut оіl аѕ a hеаlth tоnіс hаvе nоtісеd іnсrеаѕеd feelings оf ѕаtіѕfасtіоn, and the аbіlіtу tо gо without fооd for lоngеr реrіоdѕ wіthоut ѕуmрtоmѕ оf hуроglусеmіа оr ѕugаr сrаvіngѕ.

4. Gооd fоr dіgеѕtіоn

Cосоnut oil possesses a gаѕtrоіntеѕtіnаl antioxidant аnd аntі-іnflаmmаtоrу еffесt. It has nаturаl antimicrobial, аntіvіrаl аnd аntіbасtеrіаl рrореrtіеѕ thаt dеtоx the body, mаkіng іt effective in treating candida albicans, bacteria, fungi, parasites аnd vаrіоuѕ оthеr соntrіbutоrѕ to іntеѕtіnаl imbalances and іndіgеѕtіоn. Whеn tаkеn tоgеthеr wіth food іt аіdѕ іn thе аbѕоrрtіоn оf gооd fооd nutrients, vitamins, minerals аnd amino acids.

5. Inсrеаѕеѕ mеtаbоlіѕm аnd supports healthy wеіght-lоѕѕ

A study reported in thе Jоurnаl of Nutrition fоund that coconut оіl boosts metabolism. Rеѕеаrсhеrѕ fоund thаt раrtісіраntѕ whо соnѕumеd twо tаblеѕрооnѕ оf сосоnut oil реr day burned mоrе kilojoules thаn thоѕе whо соnѕumеd lеѕѕ. An іnсrеаѕе іn mеtаbоlіѕm bооѕtѕ thе bоdу’ѕ іmmunе system and sheds еxсеѕѕ wеіght.

6. Strеngthеnѕ immune funсtіоn

The Lauric асіd іn сосоnut oil іѕ hіghlу tоxіс to viruses, funguses and bасtеrіа. Breast mіlk is thе оnlу оthеr nаturаl ѕоurсе of Lauric асіd.

7. Good fоr brаіn function and mеmоrу

Mоrе thаn half оf the fаt іn thе brаіn іѕ ѕаturаtеd. Rеѕеаrсh іndісаtеѕ thаt tаkіng сосоnut оіl dаіlу, аѕ a hеаlthу saturated fаt, саn nоurіѕh the brаіn іn a wау thаt mау hеlр іn the рrеvеntіоn of brain rеlаtеd disease. Dr Mary Nеwроrt ѕtаtеѕ thаt coconut оіl соuld роtеntіаllу bе a “сurе” fоr Alzhеіmеr’ѕ аnd mеmоrу loss.

8. Makes уоur ѕkіn look аnd fееl bеаutіful

Cосоnut oil іѕ іdеаl fоr drу, rough and wrinkled skin. Itѕ hіgh content оf Medium Chаіn Fаttу Acids (MCFA’ѕ) mаkеѕ it еаѕіlу аbѕоrbеd bу thе ѕkіn. It prevents ѕtrеtсh mаrkѕ and lіghtеnѕ еxіѕtіng ones. Its аntіѕерtіс еlеmеntѕ kеер thе skin young and hеаlthу аnd relatively frее from infections.

Nоurіѕhіng and rераіrіng the skin with, іѕ аррrоасhеd bу uѕіng сосоnut oil both internally аnd externally.

9. Suрроrtѕ thyroid function аnd hоrmоnе bаlаnсе

Regular consumption оf coconut оіl rеѕtоrеѕ thуrоіd funсtіоn bу assisting the hormones trаnѕроrt tо thе cells.

10. Useful аѕ a natural sunscreen

Coconut oil ѕсrееnѕ 20% of ultrаvіоlеt. Thе fіrѕt соmmеrсіаl sunscreens аnd suntan lоtіоnѕ contained coconut oil аѕ their mаіn іngrеdіеnt. Thе еffесtіvеnеѕѕ of сосоnut оіl іn рrоtесtіng you frоm ѕunburn wіll аlѕо dереnd on уоur dіеt.

Whаt type should you buу?

Vіrgіn is ѕо іmроrtаnt аѕ thіѕ mеаnѕ thаt it hаѕ nоt bееn rеfіnеd, bleached оr dеоdоrіzеd. Alѕо lооk fоr Cосоnut Oіl thаt іѕ оrgаnіс, rаw аnd соld рrеѕѕеd. Oіlѕ аrе best kept packaged іn dark glаѕѕ rather than рlаѕtіс. If уоu are buуіng іn bulk, аnd саn оnlу gеt plastic, make sure іt іѕ food grаdе аnd bра frее.

Hоw muсh ѕhоuld уоu tаkе?

According tо rеѕеаrсhеrѕ, аn аdult ѕhоuld consume аrоund 2-3 tbѕр. оf сосоnut oil dаіlу. Fоr thоѕе who аrе nоt used tо it, іt іѕ best tо start оut with a lеѕѕеr аmоunt and see hоw thе bоdу rеасtѕ bеfоrе fоllоwіng thе rесоmmеndеd dоѕаgе.

Hоw can you tаkе іt?

Rерlасе your cooking oils аnd buttеr wіth coconut оіl. Mіx it іn a drіnk оf wаrm water wіth lеmоn juice. It іѕ dеlісіоuѕ іn grееn tea, hоt сасао аnd rеgulаr tеа and coffee. Add it tо smoothies, rеgulаr аnd rаw fооd deserts.

Whеn I fіrѕt began my journey іntо thе wоrld оf сосоnut oil I wаѕ аmаzеd аt thе many health bеnеfіtѕ and іt’ѕ vеrѕаtіlіtу. Sооn after I ѕtаrtеd uѕіng іt, my personal hеаlth completely transformed. Nоw I соuld not, and wоuld nоt gо a dау without mу bеаutіful аnd mаgісаl сосоnut оіl.

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coconut oil

Diet program for Women Who Are Pregnant



When you are expecting a baby, you need to eat well and you have to consume right. For the proper continuing development of the fetus, you need to eat more calories than a person normally do. Nausea may well, initially, make it seem very difficult to keep yourself well-nourished, but you cannot give up. With time, things recover.

The nutrients you need are not had from limited options. You have to eat a good number of fruits, vegetables, grains, impulses, beans and nuts, as you’ve to make sure that the food you eat is loaded with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nutritional vitamins, minerals and fibers. Vibrant and colorful vegetables and fruits * red, green, orange, crimson – are all really abundant in all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Consuming these kind of, you ensure you have taken almost all of what you need. Some of the foods it is best to favor are: lima beans, german beans, black beans, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, green peppers, tomatoes, kale, mustard greens, chick peas, black-eyed peas, broccoli, brussel sprouts, a melon, strawberries, grapefruit, papaya, honeydew, for example.

You may need to take vitamin supplements far too, for you cannot always seem to eat right, but you do consistently will need all the nutrients. You must ingest plenty of dairy products and abundant vegetables to ensure your daily ingestion of calcium. Women require more calcium during pregnancy because substandard consumption of calcium may lead to weakening of bones at a later stage. A new calcium supplement may, indeed, end up being needed in addition to mineral and vitamin supplements because the food you eat may well not always give you the required level of calcium. Iron, again, will be of immense importance because it helps in maintaining the supply associated with blood to the fetus plus the placenta. So you should eat foods full of iron, such as dried many fruits, cereals, leafy greens, pears, poultry, lean red meat, for example. Taking iron supplements is a good idea as the food may not have as much straightener as you need.

Folic acid is an important nutritious that helps prevent defects from the neural tube in the baby. Regular consumption of spinach, broccoli, cowpea, don’t forget your asparagus, wheat germ, oranges, for example. takes care of the folic acid need to have. But it is good to ensure that your current vitamin supplement also has folic acid. Vit a taken as a supplement might not be safe beyond a point as it can certainly cause fetal malformation, and therefore it is best to consume lots of carrots, sweet taters, pumpkins, spinach, water squash, turnip veggies, apricots, etc. So we see that pure foods and dietary supplements work together to get you all you need during pregnancy.

What to avoid during pregnancy are alcoholic beverages, caffeine, saccharin, some kinds of species of fish that have high mercury contamination, several processed foods that may stop properly pasteurized, and raw species of fish, etc.

JamesC Hiatt17756 is a regular journalist on topics such as Life Insurance Term Quote and maintains numerous web-sites about Life Assurance Online where you can get hottest news and reviews.

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Quick Weight Loss Solutions for Women



There are many ways to lose weight. Nowadays, many popular diet plans, exercise routines, and surgical remedies are available as weight loss options. Tons of diet plans are now available to specifically help women lose excess weight. These diets are designed to increase the body’s metabolism and promote weight loss along the process. Diet programs should be taken seriously. Weight loss solutions have great effect in our body, without proper consideration these diets can pose a threat to our health and leave irreversible damage.

There are some easy to follow weight loss tips for women that can help you lose weight in a fast, persistent and healthy way. Do not enter any weight loss diet without first taking the advice of a specialist. Every body is unique and has its own peculiarities and characteristics. This means that the diet that helped your best friend to lose weight fast may not havethe same effect on you. When you choose a weight loss program, consider your weight, the state of your health, age and the type of work you do. Forcing the body into starvation and the consumption of only one type of food can be very dangerous for your health, since the lack of certain trace elements and vitamins leaves your body uncovered in a multitude of diseases.

If you think you will lose weight through a diet only, this is a big mistake. You may lose some weight and you will get it back as soon as you stop the diet. Achieving a healthy body can be done by changing the inactive lifestyle and also with a combination of healthy diet and exercise. Do not try to lose more weight as you can in the least time. Do not combine several different weight loss diets at the same time because one method may come in contrast toanother. Control your desires for sweets. Any product that is labeled as ‘light’ or ‘diet’ does not mean that it is ideal for consumption and much more does not mean that it can help you lose weight. So you need to be careful and read the food labels carefully and note the percentage of fat and calories it contains.

Rapid weight loss for women is very important and can be very challenging. Learning on weight management requires a lot of study and consideration.Exercise is one of the most effective weight loss solutions. Weight loss exercise routines are particularly intended to help dieters get the most out of their workout. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help the body rid of all the impurities in your system. Fruits and vegetables are also recommended to help detoxify the body. Fast weight loss for women comes with discipline, common sense, and a healthy outlook on life. Work on those and the result will quickly follow.

Nicolas Bell is a famous author for health related articles. He has written many articles on weight loss program, medical weight loss, weight loss in Palo Alto, weight control, quick weight loss,losing body fat, watsonville medical clinics and many more.

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7 Fiber Myths and Facts



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Natural Weight Loss For Women



We all know this. Most women are overtly conscious about their looks and about their weight. This craze to lose weight is more prominent than ever now when the size zero phenomenon has found a place in the society. No one wants to look bad and be unhealthy and obese. We all have tried losing weight ever since we could remember. That we did not succeed is due to several reasons.

Most of us never adopt a holistic approach to weight loss. The case for women is much more intricate than that it is for men. Men are not as obsessed as women are regarding their weight.

The requirements of a womens body is different than what it is for men. Women need a lot of nutrition for the proper functioning of our body. Women should always try and bring about safe weight loss. Otherwise several health problems including gynecological problems might crop up.

Natural weight loss for women means combining healthy, low calorie diet and optimum exercise. Follow the diet tip in order to bring about weight loss in women.

The diet to bring about natural weight loss:

Bring about gradual changes in your body: Most people have complained that their family and close friends do not support their conviction to change their diet. Initially changing your diet can give you hunger pangs, headaches and fatigue. But this is just during the initial phase. As your body gets accustomed to this change in diet, it complains no more. In fact, it shows marvelous results.

Have a lot of filling foods: this is done to avoid hunger pangs. Have foods like coconuts, avocados, nuts and seeds. These foods have high amounts of nutrients which are quire calorific. These fats are healthy for our system. They help to meet our hunger effectively. Smoothies and salads are great way to satisfy hunger pangs.

Include a lot of leafy vegetables to your diet: leafy vegetables are of great help when you are on a weight loss plan. They have very low calories. They contain high nutritional value. You can combine these with salads and smoothies to fill up your stomach.

Your body needs a lot of fluids: it is well known that fluids help you with dehydration. Not only that, they also fill up your stomach. When you are on a normal diet, you must drink eight glasses of water every day. Some important fluids that you may include in your diet include herbal tea, water, and fresh juices. These are good for your body because they do not contain preservatives and other artificial materials.

You should be able to resist temptations: this is a real challenge which you must achieve. Always resist temptations of eating when you are on a weight loss plan. Otherwise there are high chances that this weight loss plan will fail.

If you stay on a diet like this, your natural weight loss will automatically follow. Combine it with freehand and cardio exercises for best effects.

A natural weight loss program for women should be different than one for a man. Mostly, women need to target different areas and have other nutritional needs. To find out more about natural weight loss for women go to http://www.healthyweightlosssecrets.info where you can get our free ecourse.




Loss, Natural, Weight, Women

What is leaky gut?



You think you have leaky gut because you’re bloated, gassy, achy and crampy. We ask three doctors to define this ‘grey area of medicine’.

What is leaky gut?

Leaky gut is still a grey area of medicine. The term has become popular in the last 10 or 20 years to explain how gut substances literally leak into the bloodstream.

Western medicine says

A complete digestive stool analysis and a urine test can check for leaky gut, says Prof Kotsirilos. “There are some studies to suggest that these [gut substances] can cause symptoms of inflammation in the body as the compounds enter the blood, building up in other tissues of the body, and are then released into the urine, causing a leaky gut syndrome.”

Complementary medicine says

“It’s a funny term because, really, it’s a medical scientific term that some Western naturopaths and trained doctors have latched on to,” says Dr Hunter. Complementary medicine practitioners may test for similar diagnoses but they won’t label it leaky gut.

Integrative medicine says

Dr Dodsworth says a full patient history is taken, including dietary intake, digestive function, past history of antibiotic use, traveller’s diarrhoea, autoimmune conditions, known food intolerances, current and recent stress levels, regular or intermittent medication, herbal and nutritional supplement use and family medical history.

“Investigations might include Immunoglobulin G (IgG) or Immunoglobulin A (IgA) food intolerance testing, gut microbiome analysis, complete digestive stool analysis, intestinal permeability testing, nutrient level assessment and autoimmune disease testing,” she says.

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6 Ways to Keep it Clean at the Gym



You know it’s important to make exercise a regular part of your life, but what you might not realize is that theres more to a healthy routine than working up a sweatneglecting to take care of your gym gear can have health consequences. If you’re putting in the time to improve your strength and stamina, make sure you don’t sabotage your efforts with shoddy hygiene that could lead to fungal or bacterial infections.

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What to do after a food binge



Eaten too much? Overindulged at the weekend? These tips should help you resume and maintain your healthy habits following a food blowout.

The occasional overindulgence isn’t going to harm your health, but it’s important to get back on track after a big night out.

“It’s normal to overindulge and go out and enjoy yourself on occasion, but it’s how you redeem yourself after the fact as to whether you see weight gain or weight loss,” says accredited practising dietitian and Dietitians Association of Australia spokesperson Lauren McGuckin.

Try these three pieces of advice for getting back on track: 

1. Let your tummy groan
Then have a light, healthy, protein-rich breakfast like an egg on wholegrain toast or a small bowl of muesli with yoghurt and berries.

2. Hydrate
Dehydration often masquerades as hunger, especially after consuming high-fat and high-salt foods, so keep a water bottle on hand throughout the day.

3. Go home-made
Research shows that the more we eat at home, the slimmer we are. Even if you’re choosing healthier options like vegetable pizzas sans cheese or stir-fries, takeaway foods are usually higher in fat and calories than home-prepared meals. Plus, portion sizes are larger to compensate for the extra hit to your wallet.

NEXT: Food blowouts busted



Diet & Nutrition




after, binge, Food

Weight loss diet tips for men and women of all ages



A balanced diet comprising all these nutrients as well as protein, vitamins and minerals, and calcium should be supplied to the body through the food we eat. This article shares some weight loss diet tips for men and women of all ages

The role of fat in a weight loss diet

Fats are an essential food nutrient because they provide twice the amount of energy than carbohydrates and proteins, and they help in protecting body organs and tissues and maintaining the body temperature.

Fats= 9 calories

Carbohydrates= 4 calories

Protein= 4 calories

CAUTION: Too much fat can be very harmful to the body. Excess fat do not only form the bulges on your body but it could also clog the arteries of the heart causing myocardial infarction or heart attack.

What is a low-fat diet?

Low- Fat diet has been promoted by the US Department of Health since the late 1970’s. But what does low- fat diet really mean?

Basically, there are three types of fat: The Saturated fat which is the Bad fat because it increases the blood cholesterol level, The Polyunsaturated fat that decreases the blood cholesterol level, and the Monounsaturated fat which decreases the Low- density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol or the “bad cholesterol”.

Low- fat diet means: decreasing the consumption of food that contains saturated fat while increasing the consumption of food that contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat. Food like most meat and dairy products, butter, and tropical oils such as coconut oil and palm oil should be avoided as they are high in saturated fat. Polyunsaturated fat are usually found in plant food sources such as corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower. Food sources for Monounsaturated fat includes olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, and some fruits like avocado.

Carbohydrates are bad or good?

Carbohydrates provides real-time energy in the body and should account for 50- 60% of the total calories we take in everyday. However, with sedentary lifestyle, the calories you get from carbohydrates that are supposed to be converted to real-time energy are stored as fat deposits, thus you gain weight.

Low –carb diets are among the most popular weight loss diets. There are many variations like:

The Anabolic Diet which alternates low carb and periods of high carb eating

Carbohydrate addicts which serves 2 meals with no carbs and 1 meal of 1/3 carb a day

Ketogenic Diet which eliminates carbohydrate completely and compensates the caloric need with high fat and moderate protein intake.

But as per definition, having less than 50-60% of carb ratio in a serving is low carb diet. If your goal is to maintain your current weight, do take in moderate carb which is about 40-50% carb in your diet. And if you want to lose weight, you may go with low- carb diet which contains 25-39% carb. Lower than this is not really recommended as it could cause conditions like ketosis, presence of ketone bodies in the blood. Very high ketone level can make the blood acidic and may damage organs like the liver and the kidneys.

Some weight loss diet tips that can help eat healthier are:

Instead of eating ice cream, have a low fat yogurt or sherbet.

Use skim milk (fat- free milk) instead of whole milk.

Instead of eating pasta alfredo (white sauce pasta) eat pasta marinara (red sauce pasta).

You may substitute bacon with lean ham.

Since the American Heart Association recommends avoiding coconut oil because it contains 85- 90% saturated fat, use olive oil or canola oil when cooking food.

Chocoholics may eat dark chocolate which is rich in anti-oxidant rather than a milk chocolate.

Use beef loin instead of brisket

Instead of white bread eat whole grain bread such as wheat bread

Snack on Peaches (61 calories/pc.), blackberries (62 calories/serving), and carrot sticks (52 calories/cup) instead of fried chips.

Being overweight or obese doesn’t only place a person at risk from developing diseases like diabetes, respiratory diseases, cancer, osteoarthritis and cardiovascular diseases but it could also affect one’s emotional and social life. People who are overweight and obese could suffer from low self-esteem, depression, and impaired body image. Because of this, more and more people are being conscious of their weight. Losing weight is a tough challenge; you must be really committed as lifestyle changes should be made.

Since April 2011 we have introduced a new section called ASK THE EXPERTS. This new feature allows our readers to post a question and get a reply for one of our certified weight loss and fitness experts. Visit here




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Best Weight Loss Medicine for Men



How to shed off some extra weight? Though this question is most common among the girls and women in particular, these days even the men are becoming increasingly mindful about their looks. Therefore men, elderly as well as the young ones, are taking initiative to shed off some weight. Moreover, the obese men suffer from a lot of health hazards like cardiac disease, osteoporosis, blood sugar and more. The best way to deal with this problem is to lose the excess mass that is impairing the proper function of your body. Most often it is observed that the men take recourse to best weight loss medicine to overcome this problem.

Since men have a busy work schedule, they really find it difficult to allot a space for regular workout sessions. Even if they allot a space for half an hour and so, they are not regular because they have to travel frequently. So they are largely dependent on the diet pills for India. One of the main reasons that cause obesity is that these individuals have no control over their eating habits. The diet pills can effectively reduce the urge for food. After taking these pills for some days you would feel less hungry and thereby it will directly affect the metabolism rate of the body of the individual.

There are many prescribed medicine in the market which also slows down the process of absorption of the excess fat and Trans fat present in the food. Consequently the excess fat that is already present in the body is utilized to perform the vital functions and in turn make good use of it as well. Some of the medicines directly augment the metabolism rate in the body, thereby burning out the excess fat present in the body. Diet pills can also augment the secretion of insulin in the body and thereby induce the pace of weight loss.

However, these prescribed medicines should be used by the men after consulting a professional dietician. Diabetes is a common problem among obese men. So before taking any of these medicines the individual should consult a physician. They can give you the best advice about the most suitable medicine that will not have a negative impact on the health condition of the individuals. Since the importance of best weight loss medicine is growing, the manufacturing companies are coming up with better products and continuous research is being conducted to make it more effective and easily adaptable to the body.

Hydroxycitric acid is a chemical compound which is generally found in tamarind. This chemical compound helps to repress hunger. Since this chemical is natural, therefore the pills having this chemical in their composition have fewer side effects as well. Tablets made out of Acai berries are extremely popular. Not only the pills made from Acai berries help in losing weight but at the same time they have many useful components which help to strengthen the body.

Many big medicinal brands have come up with diet pills for India. These are formulated specially for men keeping in mind the requirements for this gender group. Therefore, if you want to lose weight but do not have enough time for workout, do not worry. These drugs can help you to overcome this problem.

Verislim is the pharmaceutical company manufactured best weight loss products & weight loss supplements. For more information please visit us at: http://www.verislim.com

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Diet Meal Plans For Weight Loss



Understanding the main reasons behind overweight and obesity will be an effective tool to implement weight loss programs. In majority of the cases, consuming excess calories than the daily requirement and living a sedentary lifestyle are the two important causes. Therefore, in order to avoid it, you need to check your calorie intake by following a proper weight loss diet. So what is the best and the fastest weight loss diet today? Let’s take a look.

1. Green tea stimulates the release of certain hormones that control food cravings. It also helps to burn fat. Green tea is the most common ingredient in appetite suppressants that are prepared using a combination of natural substances.

2. While outdoors, indoors, at work, or wherever, make it a point to munch on healthy munchies like non-fat biscuits or nuts (avoid almonds, ground nuts, peanuts and cashews – try pine nuts and a handful of pistachios instead) or even a bowl of grapes and a cup of plain green tea (minus milk and sugar, except, of course brown sugar, if you find it a little too bitter, or squeeze in a lemon half). Drink lots of water between breakfast and lunch.

3. Individuals on the Slim-Fast diet usually find great freedom in having their meals planned out in advance. The advantages to a liquid diet are twofold–they are incredibly easy to follow and they reduce the likelihood of cheating by taking choice away from the dieter in favor of following an impartial “master plan.” However, while this paradoxical freedom through captivity is enjoyable for the first few weeks, eventually you can suffer from malaise through repetition and outright boredom with the plan. Although the basic model of two shakes and a healthy dinner cannot be altered, the spectrum of Slim-Fast products allows you to liven things up a bit and alleviate boredom. Rotate your chosen flavor of shake weekly to reawaken your taste buds and breathe some life into the die–enhanced long-term compliance is the reward.

4. Write it down. Research has shown that the simple act of keeping a food journal can double your weight loss. And it also give you a record to look back on so you can see what has worked and what has not in your diet.

5. Whenever you feel hungry, eat fresh vegetables. Vegetables like cabbage, spinach and broccoli have a low calorie-content and a high amount of fiber. Fiber helps suppress food cravings for a long period of time. Cauliflower, brussels sprouts, green peas and carrots also contain high amounts of fiber. As these vegetables are bulky, they fill up your stomach immediately and suppress hunger. Drinking vegetable juice before meals is also a good option.

6. You need to walk at least 3-4 km a week, which is about 10-15 minutes of walking in a day. You don’t have to do any vigorous exercises, just make sure you opt for the staircase instead of the elevator. Try walking distances like when you go to the store, or to a place that isn’t so far off. You can also try signing up for yoga classes to get your body in shape in a more relaxed setting to help you on how to cut calories.

7. Add 3 weekly session of resistance training. It is vitally important to preserve and/or build your muscle mass whether you are male or female. Muscle drives your fat burning metabolism.

Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on weight loss tips, how to lose weight health.

More Diet & Nutrition Diet Women Articles




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Chocolate lover"s mug cake



This chocolate mug cake is made from protein powder, cacao and stevia. Best of all, it’s ready in 65 seconds!

Ingredients: (serves 1)

  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder

  • 1 tsp cacao

  • 1 tsp stevia sweetener

  • 1 egg white

  • 14 tsp baking powder

  • 1 tbsp skim milk


Mix all ingredients well in a mug. When a well-mixed batter is formed, microwave for 45 to 65 seconds depending on microwave power.

If mug cake rises above the edge of mug, stop to check to see if it is cooked; if there is still batter at base of mug, microwave for another five to 10 seconds.

Invert cooked cake onto plate, serve with low-fat Greek yoghurt and strawberries. 

Recipe from our January BodyBlitz winner Leah Raynsford.

NEXT: 6 homemade chocolate treats>>



Diet & Nutrition




cake, chocolate, lover"s

How to Lose Weight Fast for Women



Wondering how to lose weight fast for women? Well because we have different metabolisms and we’re built differently than men, it definitely is a little different.

These tips I’m about to give you work especially well for women, as well as the little weight loss secret that helped me a lot that I’ll discuss at the end of this article.

So getting back to your question, you want to learn how to lose weight fast for women, right? Well you probably already know this, but the answer lies in 2 things- diet and exercise.

Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to starve yourself or spend all day in the gym!

Diet- What you eat, not just a fad!

Your diet is what you eat every single day- not just a fad you follow for a few weeks or months to shed a few pounds. And the truth of the matter is if you want to know how to lose weight fast for women, then you need to know how to follow a good diet.

So what is that? Generally its focusing on eating lots of fruits and veggies. Because women have slower metabolisms, we can’t digest as many meats and breads as men can and get away with it.

We also can’t eat too much junk food and expect to stay very thin (although I admit I love chocolate just like everyone else!) We can eat a little, but just not a whole lot.

Another thing to know about how to lose weight fast for women is that dairy is not as necessary as a lot of the “experts” say. You can get plenty of calcium from eating certain veggies like broccoli, and it’s a lot easier to digest than dairy.

Exercise- You won’t spend all day in the gym, don’t worry!

To be honest, its not necessary to exercise at all to lose weight fast for women. However, it definitely helps you see results much faster and you’ll feel more energy throughout the day.

Really if you just aim for 20-30 minutes a day, then you’re doing much more than you may think. When you do that though, make sure you do some aerobic exercise (like walking or jogging) as well as some to build muscle (like pushups or squats).

That way you’re toning your body by building muscle but also burning a lot of calories with the aerobic exercises.

The best way to lose weight is with LeanSpa Acai- no question about it! For more information, check out this LeanSpa Acai Review. If you’re a guy, you may want to look into this gHP Sport free trial

More How To Lose Weight Quick Women Articles




Fast, Lose, Weight, Women

How to Lose Weight Fast




Do you want to remove that extra fat of your body the faster way? When you want to lose weight, you always want it to be fast and quick. However, any sudden change to your body can be very dangerous and it can’t even give you any changes. To become that person that you want to be, you need to follow steps on how to lose weight fast but in the healthiest way.

Be specific on what you want to achieve. Set goals for your weight reduction process. Not only you need to be certain on now much weight you want to drop but you should also decide on the time within which you would like to achieve that. You should also know the methods to lose weight that your body can handle.  Do not always concentrate on how to lose weight fast but rather on how to lose weight safely and effectively.

Being confident is also important if you want to lose weight fast. Be positive that you can eventually achieve your goal. Give yourself a reason why you want to lose weight and keep that in mind so that you will be motivated throughout your weight loss program. Always think that you can do what you have decided to do.

When we talk about losing weight, calorie intake is always an issue. It is always suggested that you lower your calorie intake more than your body can burn. It is also best to take note the number of calories in each food that you eat. In that way, it can be easier for you to choose which foods have to be reduced.

There are a lot of weight loss solutions that you can choose from but it is important that you pick the one that will work best for you, and that you enjoy doing. If you’re a person who loves eating, perhaps dieting may not give you the best results. Why not spend your time at fitness gyms and enroll for their fitness programs? On the contrary, if you are a person who doesn’t have that much time for fitness programs but can handle a healthy and balanced diet, maybe you can go for a weight loss diet.

One thing important about losing weight is that you don’t have to make abrupt changes with your body. If you know how to lose weight fast, you probably know that losing weight is a long term process and you cannot get results overnight. What I’m trying to say is that do not rush things or else you’ll get the opposite results and gain weight even more than your initial weight. When it comes to diet, start substituting your fatty meals with healthier ones such as salads and fresh fruits or you should using olive oil when you cook. These small changes may lead you to small result but seeing the results will motivate you even more and this will help you adjust your eating habits.

Most importantly, do your regular exercise. Diet alone will not give you immediate results. Start with walking around your neighborhood and when you get used to it, increase your duration of doing the activity and the distance as well. Do it thrice of four times a day. If you wan to, you can add strength trainings such as sit ups and push ups if your body can manage it. Exercising will not only help you lose weight but it can give you a healthier heart and a healthier life. I hope this gives you an idea on how to lose weight fast.

Dominique Martin is a long term article writer.

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Fast, Lose, Weight

mardi 20 octobre 2015

Usefulness of Weight Loss & Diets for Women



Fitness is more a craze these days. Fitness freaks are growing in number and gyms are mushrooming in cities as well as towns. As overweight is a problem with most of women especially once they are in the threshold of early thirty and after baby birth. During pregnancy, they gain weight but that is quite natural. It is true that fitness programs help you lose weight but work better when finely balanced with right diet. The right combination of weight loss and diets for women is important for you to stay in a good shape.

The hourglass figure of a svelte beauty is much coveted by all women. It is really hard to maintain that shapely figure but more than difficult once you put on weight and want to regain the perfect ten look. The need of the hour is to immediately start some pound shedding exercises with disciplined regularity. But that is not enough; you should be on proper diet as well. At the same time, it is also important to consult a medical practitioner especially if you are a new mother. Actually you need to follow your workout regime in a certain way. For example, it is usually recommended not to do heavy exercises if you have just started out.

Calcium Intake for Women

When it comes to health and fitness, women should take extra care after menopause. By that time, women suffer maximum calcium deficiency. Calcium being the main constituent of bone composition, its continuous depletion causes brittle bones. To top up the deficit, calcium supplements for women should be a must-have on your regular diet.

Yogurt, cheese, milk, soya milk etc are the richest source of calcium. How much calcium you actually need depends on your age. Fact is that every woman irrespective of her age should have proper intake of calcium supplements as prescribed by a physician. The Ageing women require more calcium supplement because rate of bone loss exceeds formation in their case.

Cellulite Diet

Cellulite is more common to women in their post-pubescent phase. Over time, the scientists have propounded several theories pertaining to both cause and cure for cellulite. The most accepted remedy to heal the hazard is to make a healthy combination of exercises and cellulite reduction diet. Aerobic, cardiac and other strength gaining exercises should be included in your daily exercises. Complete this daily health regime with proper diet to experience good result.

Centreforwomen.com is an online website that offers tips and suggestions on women’s weight loss and other health related issues. Click your way to the website for an overview of weight loss and diets for women .

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diets, Loss, Usefulness, Weight, Women

5-day "mindful eating" meal plan



Choosing to be mindful with your food not only prevents absent-minded overfeeding, but increases satisfaction levels as well. Here’s your 5-day diet plan.


Day 1

Traditional oats porridge with sliced fresh fruit such as kiwi fruit or strawberries

Grainy bread sandwich with plenty of salad and tuna, salmon or lean meat

Spaghetti bolognaise made with kidney beans on their own or with lean mince


Day 2

Raisin toast with a thin scrape of margarine

Wholemeal pasta salad with 4-bean mix

Chickpea and chicken stir-fry with plenty of vegies


Day 3

Grainy English muffins with a thin scrape of 100% fruit jam.

Chunky vegetable and barley soup.

Hearty pumpkin soup with red lentils.



Day 4

Baked beans on grainy toast

Lentil pattie with fresh salad

Lean lamb casserole with cannellini beans and chunky vegetables


Day 5

Smoothie made with half a cup low fat milk, half a cup natural yoghurt and soft fruit like banana

Sweet potato and chickpea couscous

Fish and lentil curry served with basmati rice.

NEXT: Fasting – is it sustainable long term?



Diet & Nutrition




"mindful, 5day, eating", meal, Plan

Is Sugar Really That Bad for You?



For many years, fat was considered the nutritional bad guy, and most people were advised by health experts to cut back on the amount they were eating. But tides change, and dietary fat is no longer thought to be as unhealthy as it was back in the 1980s.

Eating & Nutrition Articles from QualityHealth





Diabetes | Types of Diabetes and Cure for Diabetes



Diabetes is one of the highest growing maladies in the urbanized world. A UCLA study reports an increase of 26%. Apart from longer life spans, which result in a rise in the number of cases of late onset diabetes, there are other factors at play.

Types of Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

Juvenile Diabetes

Adult-onset diabetes

Cure for Diabetes

Pumpkin: It is a fruit that carries a sugar which hinders absorption of glucose and mixes it with surplus cholesterol of the body. It does not allow the level of bad cholesterol to rise above a certain level. It obstructs the hardening of arteries. The people who suffer from diabetes are recommended to take almost 150 gm pumpkin daily for improving their health.

Onion: Most of us do not love to have onions. However it is good to note here that onion is a healthy diabetic food. Onion contains a component that has the potential of activating insulin production. This substance is beneficial for diabetes patients. Onion also carries amino acid and sulfur. These two components perform the role of regulating blood fat formation. This prevents the complication of arteriosclerosis. Onion is beneficial for diabetic sufferers.

Spinach: Spinach makes an excellent meal for diabetics. It contains a component that has the potential of lowering down the glucose blood level in the human body.

Eel: Eel is beneficial for diabetics as it is good for their heart and liver.. Recent researches have revealed that eel contains an ingredient that can lower down the level of blood glucose. Eel has been long used by Japanese for curing diabetes.

White Fungus: It is full of healthful nutrients. White fungus contains medicinal value as well. It is rightly said to be the pearl of all fungus. The best thing amongst all other fungus is that it carries fewer calories but lot of dietary fiber.

Cucumber: Cucumber helps to relieve not only heat but thirst too. Studies have suggested that cucumber is the healthiest vegetable for the patients of diabetes. The patients get vitamin C, carotene, fiber as well as mineral by eating cucumber. It also carries tartonate that hinders the sugar from converting in fats.

Exercise Routine:

Walk for at least 20 minutes: One of the most lethal aspect of diabetes is the way it catalyses diabetes. Walking makes you breathe heavily and you can feel the heart working harder. But remember that it must never lead to palpitation. If your stamina is very low for 20 minutes then shift your milestone to a lesser time duration and gradually increase it.

Start the day with exercise: Being diabetic is very tricky on the body. Many times you may find yourself low on sugar levels due to heavy workouts or wrong workout at the wrong time. Owing to this unpredictability, it is best to start off your day with exercise because, after an optimum level of sleep, there cannot be much vagaries in the sugar levels and you do not have to worry about fluctuations. It sets a pattern for the body too such that the biological clock is tuned to a healthy lifestyle alleviating imbalances.

Aerobic exercises with less impact on legs: Diabetes leads to a nervous disorder called diabetic neuropathy which results in weakening of nerves. The most affected part of the body is feet. The worrying aspect of this is that the symptoms do not show up for diabetic neuropathy. So, if you feel any pain or pressure in the feet portion, then switch to swimming, bicycling and other similar aerobic exercises that do not exert pressure on legs.

Read more on Diabecon and Diabetes Mellitus and anti-diabetic and also visit our website for more information from ayurvedicherbalcure

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cure, Diabetes, Types

5 foods to improve your memory



 Want to improve your memory? Try these 5 foods to boost your brain power.

Apples - 5 foods to improve memory - IMAGE - Women
Pears and apples (with the skin on)

This is high in quercetin, an antioxidant that appears to provide protection against brain degeneration shows research from Cornell University.

Brown rice - 5 foods to improve memory - IMAGE - Women

Brown Rice

This is brain friendly because it contains GABA (gamma-aminobutyric), an amino acid that helps prevent memory impairment. GABA is an important neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) in the brain and it’s a natural relaxant, which can help you feel calmer, so think clearer.

Broccoli - 5 foods to improve memory - IMAGE - Women
Sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, broccoli

Research involving the University of Eastern Finland has found that people with higher levels of vitamin E in their blood are better protected against memory disorders with age. As well as sunflower seeds, other good E sources include hazelnuts, peanut butter, broccoli and olive oil. The study showed that supplements, which don’t contain all the forms of vitamin E, did not have an equal effect.

Eggs - 5 foods to improve memory - IMAGE - Women

Eggs: Eggs are high in choline, a type of B-vitamin pivotal to function of grey matter and energy production in the brain. In one study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who consumed choline before memory and verbal learning tests performed better.

Coffee - 5 foods to improve memory - IMAGE - Women

Your daily latte or long black may be keeping your brain in shape says French research, which shows women over 65 who drink three or more cups of coffee a day have better memory function. “Caffeine acts as a mild stimulant to the brain and nervous system, making you feel more alert,” says Saxelby. “But if you overdo it, it can make you irritable, anxious, interfere with sleep and leave you with an upset stomach. Aim for no more than 300 mg caffeine a day, which is equivalent to three or four cups of instant coffee or two cups percolated or espresso a day.”

NEXT: 8 strength training snacks



Diet & Nutrition




foods, improve, memory

Gain Weight Diet



I have always been a very skinny guy. I get it from my dad who was a stick of a man until well into his 30’s when he finally started to put weight on. It is in my genes and it is something I have always been “stuck with”. I even went out for the football team in high school and although I had the athletic talent to be an asset to the team, my physical stature was just too small to make enough of an impact. Even working out with the team and doing all of the weight lifting and dieting, I couldn’t ever seem to put on weight. This all changed when I hit college. I had a roommate in college who was in a very similar boat as me. He had always been super skinny and it seemed like no matter how much food he ate he couldn’t put on weight. The two of us were on a mission to gain weight and build muscle and we were prepared to do whatever we could to get there. This is when we came across a guide online that was complete with a gain weight diet as well as specific weight routines, designed to maximize the impact of your workout along with the recommended diet. This was a huge turning point for me and my weight gain. I learned that it really does come down to making sure you eat enough calories. Especially for those of us who have a super high metabolism. I realized that eating smaller meals throughout the day allowed me to intake more calories throughout the day, and still be comfortable. I hate the feeling of overeating which is probably one of the reasons I always had a hard time putting weight on. I also never realized just how many calories were necessary to start to put on weight. I have always been a very active person so this combined with my high metabolism created the need for a very high amount of calories if my body would be able to put anything aside to gain weight. This realization combined with the philosophy of eating the right foods, which are high in protein and fat can also really help a skinny guy put on weight. A gram of fat contains more calories than a gram of protein or carbohydrates, so a high fat diet is a skinny guys best friend when trying to gain weight. This high fat content gives the body enough calories to then be able to use the protein you eat to build muscle and create fat reserves. It is also very important to have a balanced diet, in terms of making sure you get enough fruits and vegetables as well. If your body lacks the vitamins and minerals it really needs, it won’t be able to work at its highest level of efficiency and thus you will not reach your full potential. All of these lessons came together for me and I put on 15 pounds my freshman year of college, almost all muscle!

If you want to learn more about this gain weight diet, visit our site How To Put On Weight Fast.

I have sucessfully put on weight fast using a proven system of dieting and weight lifting. I hope you can do the same.




diet, gain, Weight

Coffee linked to weight gain



Can coffee cause weight gain? In some people caffeine can lead to hormonal changes that encourage fat storage.

“When you consume caffeine, it sends a message to the pituitary gland in your brain to alert your adrenal glands to make adrenalin,” says Dr Libby Weaver, author of Rushing Woman’s Syndrome.

“Your body thinks it is in danger so this causes a ‘fight or flight’ response, which leads your blood sugar to rise to provide you with more energy and in response, you make more insulin to deal with that elevation in blood sugar,” she says. Insulin is a primary fat storage hormone.

The effect is highest in sippers downing five or more cups of Joe a day.

The evidence

According to a study at the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research, mice fed the equivalent of five or more cups of coffee a day quickly developed abnormal retention of fat in their cells and liver and showed a greater insulin resistance.

In effect, too much coffee fast ramped up their risk of weight gain and Type 2 diabetes.

Tearoom tactics:

•    Choose low-caffeine teas and drink more herbal teas such as peppermint and chamomile, which are caffeine-free.

•    After you’ve had your daily coffee, sub in dandelion tea.

•    Swap tea for a H20 break; you’ll still get the benefit of getting up from your desk and moving and the water will make you feel full and stop you mistaking thirst for hunger (and throwing back a snack you don’t need).

Next: 15 ways to burn more fat>>




Diet & Nutrition




Coffee, gain, linked, Weight

Best Weight Loss Supplements for Men - Natural Treatment



Even for men also the problem of weight is a great problem. They usually gain weight by sitting in the office for long hours. But they are helpless as they have to sit in their office for long hours. They are not in a position to give much time in doing exercise like walking jogging, running, doing yoga etc due to scarcity of time. The best way for weight loss for men is by using supplements. These supplements are considered to be the convenient and also primary aid for weight loss. They are very effective if they are taken in addition to healthy diet and also by doing exercise. For getting better results you should use two or more products. There are different types of supplements to lose your weight but some of the important types of supplements are thermogenic products, protein powders and drinks. But in spite of all these weight loss supplements the natural weight loss program is highly recommended.

Mostly in men their belly size is increased as the years go by. You can easily stop this process by following lifelong healthy program of diet and exercise. But this is not so easy by using home fitness equipment, eating out healthy foods, some workouts etc.

Now people have become conscious enough about their overweight. The weight loss supplements over the last 20 years, has grown vastly. While losing the weight the men should be watchful enough to reduce the amount of intake calories then calories burn. It would be easier for men to reduce their weight by using thermogenic weight loss supplements. It is an effective supplement.

Using protein supplement is also one of the best weight loss supplements for men. But primarily you should be watchful enough to reduce your weight by reducing the intake of sugar and fat. You should also reduce the intake of refined carbohydrates and saturated fats in the diet and it is a difficult task. If you want to lose your weight fast then you should be sure to consume lean protein on the daily basis. Protein takes longer time to digest and so they keep us full longer. Due to this, weight is reduced faster as the calories are burned by our body to digest protein. It is an important supplement to reduce weight but you should take proper dose per day. Usually 1 gram of protein is taken in relation to per pound of ideal weight.

Read about Best Diet & Nutrition Pills. Also know about Best Diet & Nutrition Supplements for Men. Read about Best Weight Gain Supplements.

Dr Andrew Napier




Best, Loss, Natural, supplements, Treatment, Weight

Hair Oil - A Need For Anyone And Everyone




Oiling ones hair is one of the most important things, if we want to take care of our hair. It is very necessary that hair is given proper treatment which would mean a massage with some of the most beneficial oils.

The right Oil

Having the right kind of oil for your hair is very important and so is oiling your hair. Many of us have a hectic schedule due to which, oiling and washing our hair holds the last priority. If you want healthy hair and one which lasts longer – oiling is the best remedy.

There are so many oils in the market which tells you tales about the benefits it provides. Before jumping in the bandwagon with others, check it from which company you are buying the oil. A trusted and known company is very important as there are many duplicates in the market.

Food as a tip

Having good hair oil is not enough eating the right kind of food also helps. Harmfu foods such as canned and processed food which do not protect your hair instead damage it, should not be eaten. Fresh coconut is very good for your hair.

For beautiful and strong hair, massage your scalp with hair oil and leave it overnight. You can also use a steamed towel to cover your hair for half an hour for best results. This gives your hair a shiny and lustrous look.

Regularity Matters

Oiling your hair everyday would be too much to ask for. But do this at least thrice a week for beautiful hair. It does make a lot of difference if you keep doing this regularly as it is bound to show on your hair.

The massaging and oiling of your hair stimulates the blood circulation, which in return helps your hair. Due to the oil your hair is protected from the strong and hot sun rays. The oil also gives your hair that extra shine.

Some of the most popular and very beneficial oils which are being used for beautiful long hair with indefinite good qualities are

Jojoba Oil – can be used for dry hair as it helps to moisturize your hair properly. It helps to soften your hair and can be used to detangle your hair before shampooing.

Mira Oil Hair – this one works with oily, dry or normal hair, whether you have wavy, kinky, straight, fine, thick, medium, permed, chemically-treated or curly hair with spectacular results.

Olive Oil – strengthens your hair and nourishes it due to inherent qualities it has. It helps to reduce stress and promotes the idea of healthy hair by providing elasticity to your hair.

Coconut Oil – is one of the oil which helps in the lubrication of the hair. The content in coconut oil like magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron happens to provide the best for your hair. It is very useful for damaged hair due to its ability to strengthen it.

Rosemary Herbal Oil – is very useful for the unwanted and flaky dandruff problems. Warm the oil slightly and apply it with the help of your fingers or cotton. Rub it well on the scalp and wrap with a hot towel.


Learn here how Mira Oil Hair ensures you will never have a bad hair day by stimulating the growth of strong, thick, silky hair that will get you noticed wherever you go!






mira oil hair